Stepping up organisational and entrepreneurial capacity of SMEs in social economy


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Describe the opportunity:

The project aims to enhance the organizational and entrepreneurial capacity of social economy SMEs by leveraging the expertise of Ship2B Foundation. Ship2B, a leading entity in supporting impact-driven startups, will utilize its robust network and experience to drive financial sustainability, corporate partnerships, and strategic acceleration for these SMEs. The proposed initiative will support SMEs in achieving resilience, sustainability, and impact excellence, fostering an enabling environment for their growth and alignment with social and environmental goals.

Type of project to be developed:

The project will focus on capacity building, including training, coaching, and advisory services tailored to SMEs within the social economy. Emphasis is on improving organisational and entrepreneurial skills in governance, strategy, human resources, financial management, stakeholder management, and innovation.

Who can apply:

Legal entities (public or private bodies) established in the EU Member States, EEA countries, and countries associated with the Single Market Programme. The consortium must include at least six independent entities from three different eligible countries, with geographic balance.

Eligibility criteria:

Legal entities (public or private bodies) established in eligible countries. The consortium must meet geographic and entity type representation, including social economy enabling organisations and at least one training provider or business school experienced in capacity building.

Eligible expenses

Personnel costs Travel and subsistence Equipment (depreciation) Subcontracting costs Communication and awareness activities Indirect costs at a flat rate of 7%


Selected Companies


Country: Spain

Organization Type: Impact-driven startup and social economy support organization

Role in the Project: Impact Investment Mobilizer, Corporate Partnership Facilitator, Acceleration and Mentorship Program Lead


Country: Italy

Organization Type: Social economy research and innovation support organization

Role in the Project: Research and Innovation Partner


Country: France

Organization Type: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Circular Economy Consulting Organization

Role in the Project: Corporate Partnership Developer

Business Development

Country: Germany

Organization Type: Regional business support organization

Role in the Project: Training and Capacity Building Lead


Time line

Opening of applications


Closing of applications

2024-12-10 17hs